About Us
The Florida 911 Coordinators Association was officially established on November 28, 2017 and the first founding Board of Directors planning meeting was held on Friday, February 9, 2018 at the Brevard County 911 Administration Office.
The 911 Coordinators Association was formed to unify the (67) County 911 Coordinators along with other 911 professionals to work collaboratively with the Florida State 911 Coordinator to address issues related to the delivery of 911 services. The organization’s objective is to advocate for improvement to the Florida 911 System by working with the State 911 Board and the Florida Legislature. The association’s primary initial goal is to educate and encourage government leaders to work with 911 professionals to implement the highest quality Next Generation 911 emergency call taking system across our state.
The nature of the initial implementation of 911 along with insufficient funding has left our state with a 911 structure that is fractured and reliant on outdated technology. This situation should not be the standard for bringing the lifesaving services, we provide to our communities, into Next Generation technology. The Coordinators Association, utilizing the knowledge and experience of its members, will continuously strive to provide the best service possible by advocating for a well-designed and well integrated 911 system.
Our members have a responsibility to their citizens, employees, responders, visitors, and their own family and friends to be informed, involved, and to take positive action for the betterment of 911 services statewide. United We Stand for Florida.
President – Jody Kenyon, ENP, Pasco County Public Safety Technical Support Manager
email: jkenyon@pascocountyfl.net, phone: 352-521-5148
Vice President – Sally Lawrence, ENP, Sarasota County 911 Coordinator
email: slawrence@scgov.net, phone: 941-861-5931
Secretary – Tricia Davis, ENP, Volusia County 911 Coordinator
email: tdavis@vcso.us, phone: 386-248-1773
Treasurer – Dina Walker, Seminole County 911 Coordinator
email: mwalker@seminolecountyfl.gov, phone: 407-665-5911
Immediate Past President – Keith Godwin, ENP, Alachua County 911 Coordinator email: kgodwin@alachuacounty.us, phone: 352-338-7361
Executive Board
Committee Chairs
Website/Media Committee Chair – Jarrod Shupe, Flagler County Chief Information Office/911 Coordinator
email: jshupe@flaglercounty.org, phone: 386-313-4281
Legislature Committee Chair – Tim Gundlach, Resource Agency email: tgundlachra@gmail.com, phone: 321-704-3153
By-Laws Committee Chair – Tom Brazil, Columbia County 911 Coordinator
email: tbrazil@columbiacountyfla.com, phone: 386-758-1388
Corporate Liaison – Tim Gundlach, Resource Agency
email: tgundlachra@gmail.com, phone: 321-704-3153